Grad Spotlight. Welcome to episode 67 of The Criminology Academy podcast! On today’s episode, we have Doctoral Candidate Simon Kolbeck! Join us as we learn about employment & recidivism, including how race & work history impact the relationship!
Simon Kolbeck is a doctoral student in The Ohio State University’s Department of Sociology. His research focuses on conditions that influence recidivism and desistance among the formerly incarcerated, with a focus on employment and cognitive factors. In addition, Simon’s work aims to enhance understanding on the relationship between work (both on and off-the-books) and crime. He is currently involved in a number of projects that examine how employment, race, and cognitive change influences re-offending among the formerly incarcerated. At OSU, Simon is an affiliate of the Criminal Justice Research Center.
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Get in touch with Simon:
The Ohio State University website // kolbeck.4 AT // Personal Website
This is the article authored by Simon and his colleagues that was discussed in this episode of The Crim Academy:
Kolbeck, S. G., Bellair, P. E., & Lopez, S. (2022). Race, work history, and the employment recidivism relationship. Criminology, 60(4), 637-666. [Article Link].