Welcome to the future of research and welcome to episode 72 of The Criminology Academy podcast! On today’s episode, we have Dr. Shaina Herman! Join us as we learn about using virtual reality in criminological research on choice and decision making.
Shaina Herman recently defended her dissertation at the University at Albany, SUNY. She has been working as a post-doc/researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Crime, Security and Law in Freiburg, Germany since 2020. Her research broadly focuses on crime decision-making; more specifically on morality and criminal choice, emotions and decision-making, and the use of novel methodologies for testing criminological theory.
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Get in touch with Shaina:
Max Planck Institute Website // s.herman AT csl.mpg.de
This is the article authored by Shaina and her colleagues that was discussed in this episode of The Crim Academy:
Not currently available.
YouTube video on 360º Virtual Scenarios from MPI for the Study of Crime, Security and Law: