This week The Criminology Academy speaks with Professor Ajima Olaghere about her work on education within correctional institutions.
Ajima is an Assistant Professor at Temple University’s Department of Criminal Justice. Her research advances our understanding of the interrelated nature of communities, place, policing, and reentry. Recently, she has been laser-focused on a persistent gap in her field of Criminology: A lack of intentional, meaningful, and upfront community engagement in research. Ajima has published in journals such as Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Journal of Experimental Criminology, Campbell Systematic Reviews, and Criminal Justice Review.
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Get in touch with Dr. Ajima Olaghere:
Temple University Website // aolaghere AT // Twitter
This is the article authored by Dr. Ajima Olaghere that was discussed in this episode of The Crim Academy:
Olaghere, A., Kremer, K. P., & Fong, C. J.(2021). Learning opportunities while incarcerated: Association of engagement in literacy and numeracy activities with literacy and numeracy skills. Adult Education Quarterly: 1-19.
To access the article, please click here.
In this episode, Dr. Olaghere mentions the book Reform in the making: The implementation of social policy in prison by Ann Chih Lin.
To view this book on Amazon, please click here.