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Episode 105. Gang Governance and Gang Disengagement in Central America with Jose Miguel Cruz

It’s episode 105 and we spoke with Professor Jose Miguel Cruz about his work on the governance of and leaving gangs in Central America.

Jose Miguel Cruz is an associate professor at he Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida International University. He has been studying gangs and criminal violence in Central America since the 1990s. He’s got a Ph.D from Vanderbilt University and a Master’s in Science from Oxford University.

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Screenshot During the Podcast Recording – August 9, 2024

Get in touch with Miguel:
Florida International University // jomcruzAT // Twitter

This is the work authored by Miguel that were
discussed in this episode of The Crim Academy:

Cruz, J. M., Rosen, J. D., & Mizrahi, Y. (2023). The long arm of the gang: Disengagement under gang governance in Central America. Criminology61(4), 929-956.. [article link]

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