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Episode 104. Stigma and Language with Megan Denver

Episode 104 features Professor Megan Denver who speaks with us about criminal record stigma, person-first language, and employment credentials.

Megan Denver is an associate professor of criminology and criminal justice and the Director of the Corrections and Reentry Lab at Northeastern University. Megan’s research interests include criminal record stigma, employment and recidivism, credentialing decisions for people with criminal records, and desistance. To investigate questions related to these interests, she uses a variety of methods and integrates criminological theory with policy. Megan holds a PhD in Criminal Justice from the University of Albany and a masters in Sociology from the University of Delaware.

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Screenshot During the Podcast Recording – July 23, 2024

Get in touch with Megan:
Northeastern University Website // m.denver AT // Twitter

These are the works authored by Megan that were
discussed in this episode of The Crim Academy:

Denver, M., Pickett, J. T., & Bushway, S. D. (2017). The language of stigmatization and the mark of violence: Experimental evidence on the social construction and use of criminal record stigma. Criminology55(3), 664-690. [article link]

Denver, M., Ballou, A., & DeWitt, S. E. (2024). What’s in a Label? Public Use and Perceptions of Labeling Alternatives in Criminology. Justice Quarterly, 1-27. [article link]

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