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Episode 103. The Summer Transition from PhD Student to Assistant Professor with Ashley Appleby

In episode 103 of The Criminology Academy podcast we are speaking with Professor Ashley Appleby about the transition from PhD student to faculty member.

Dr. Ashley Appleby is an assistant professor of criminal justice in the school of social sciences, communication, and humanities at Endicott College. She received her Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from Rutgers University, Newark – School of Criminal Justice, and her B.A. in Criminal Justice and Psychology from Quinnipiac University. Ashley’s research broadly considers the intersection between contact with the criminal legal system and experience of education. She is a student alumnus and trained instructor with the International Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program and has previously worked with the NJ-Step and Petey Greene programs. Dr. Appleby is a first-generation college graduate, and she has extensive teaching and pedagogical training in the field.

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Screenshot During the Podcast Recording – July 12, 2024

Get in touch with Ashley:
Personal Website // Endicott College Website // aapleby1 AT // Twitter

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