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Episode 100. Celebrating Success

WE HIT 100 EPISODES! Let’s celebrate with an episode on success and celebrating your success during the PhD program! In this episode, Jenn and Jose sit down and chat about their PhD program experiences – the highs, successes, and reflect on how little they celebrated those successes. After all, isn’t the PhD program pretty anticlimactic? Let’s fix that, one student at a time.

This episode marks our final grad life episode. It’s been a blast chatting about and reflecting on our own PhD experiences and we hope these episodes have been helpful to all current and future PhD’ers. As always, reach out with any questions you have!

Jose Sanchez is an incoming assistant professor in the Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice at Texas Christian University. His research interests are gangs and criminal networks, community violence intervention and prevention and criminological theory.

Jenn Tostlebe is an assistant professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Nebraska Omaha. Her research focuses on incarceration and reentry; mental and physical health; gangs in communities and institutions; and empirical tests of criminological theory.

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