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Episode 107. Perceptions of Risk and Deterrence with Timothy Barnum

It’s episode 107 and we spoke with Professor Timothy Barnum about his work on perceptions of risk and deterrence from crime.

Timothy Barnum is currently an assistant professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University. Prior to Sam Houston, Dr. Barnum was a Senior Researcher at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. He received his PhD from the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2018. His recent works explore the individual and situational factors that shape criminal decisions, perceptions, and attitudes.

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Screenshot During the Podcast Recording – September 6, 2024

Get in touch with Tim:
Sam Houston State University // txb073AT // Twitter

This is the work co-authored by Tim that were
discussed in this episode of The Crim Academy:

Barnum, T. C., Nagin, D. S., & Pogarsky, G. (2021). Sanction risk perceptions, coherence, and deterrence. Criminology59(2), 195-223. [article link]

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